FastFerment Extra Collection Ball
Harvest your yeast after brewing for re-use in another batch. Cost effective and convenient, having an extra collection ball allows you to store the yeast from one brew in the refrigerator and pop on a second ball for brewing the next batch.
Grab a few extra collection balls and keep a full lineup of your favourite strains stocked. Save money and ensure you always have what you need
on-hand. Best of all, you can harvest and store limited edition strains for year-round use.
FastFerment Extra Collection Ball
Harvest your yeast after brewing for re-use in another batch. Cost effective and convenient, having an extra collection ball allows you to store the yeast from one brew in the refrigerator and pop on a second ball for brewing the next batch.
Grab a few extra collection balls and keep a full lineup of your favourite strains stocked. Save money and ensure you always have what you need
on-hand. Best of all, you can harvest and store limited edition strains for year-round use.